Frederiksberg - EN - Integrated Wooden trap door, model White


Model: White - 2.25 meters deep
Trap door: Integrated Wooden trap door
Optional: LED lights in the floor and under each step. Safe

In connection with extensive renovation of a very charming townhouse in Frederiksberg near Copenhagen, we received an order for this Spiral Cellar wine cellar.

In what was to be the house's new kitchen-dining room, the existing floor first had to be removed. Then the contractor drove a small excavator inside, and with it they dug as deep as it could reach, the rest had to be dug by hand.

After we built the wine cellar, the work on the finish could be coordinated with the rest of the project's phases, so that no craftsmen got in each other's way.

the cellar is at the top completed with an integrated Trap door, where herringbone parquet has been laid on the hatch just like on the surrounding floor. Down in the cellar In addition to lights in the floor and under the steps, a small safe has also been installed.


Skummeslövsstrand - SE - Round glass trap door, model White