Project Odense - EN - Rectangular glass trap door with frame, model Original

Model: Original - 2.0 metres

Trap door: Rectangular, mortized with frame
Options: -


In 2016, in a new subdivision in Odense, we had the opportunity to offer one of our wine cellars to a young couple who were about to embark on their first joint house project.

The contractor was in charge of the earthworks, so the hole was ready for us when we arrived and after putting steel rings down in the hole to protect our workspace and keep the ground around, we could start building the wine cellar.

The model in this project is a 2.0m deep Original with rectangular Trap door of glass. Light in the cellar is the client's own delivery.


Project Kirke Såby - DK - Integrated Wooden trap door, model White


Project Glostrup - EN - Rectangular glass trap door w. frame, model White